Thursday, June 14, 2007

time flies

I couldn’t believe it. It seemed just yesterday when I graduated from high school. I was teary-eyed as I bid my school and my classmates goodbye.

And now, I am in my senior year as college student. Shocks, time really flies.

I could still remember how I walked through the streets of Lacson and España to get to St. Raymund’s Building; how I made a quick stop at a nearby convenience shop to get some m & m’s; how I sat together with Aika, Jenny, Aianne and Rea at the back; how AA pulled a prank on all of us; how we arranged our seats alphabetically as our first teacher, Barney, arrived; and how we accompanied Hershey, whom I initially found “epal”, to buy her ballpen in a nearby bookstore, and then went home walking.

Many things have happened during my stay in college. Some bad, some ugly, but all the great things outweigh every negative thing that happened.

I came to class a little late today. I was not expecting that our teacher would be there already. I was welcomed with shouts of excitement by my classmates. I entered the room with confidence—very different from the way I did back in first year.

In one year’s time, I will (hopefully) be graduating. I better make this year special for me and the people around me.

Smile naman d’yan. God bless us all!!



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