Saturday, May 05, 2007

yes, i am in love (insert hearts here)

In the past few years, my relationships only lasted a month. It was depressing—being with guys whom I can only love for a month.

This time, it’s different. I have been dating a young guy for more than a month now. And although we are not officially a couple, I can say that I am extremely happy when I am with him. He is cute, intelligent to the point of being nerdy (he loves to study haha), rich and really nice. I just hope that whatever we have continues for a longer time or get even better in the future. He is a special, young man.

Yes, I am in love.

We watched Spider-Man 3 last night, making it the first Spidey movie I watched without my dad. It was my favorite among all the Spidey movies. It was very entertaining—Toby dancing and Kirsten singing. James Franco also got more exposure. I loved that guy. Hahaha. His and Tobey’s weight gains were also very noticeable.

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Spider-Man 3: Entertaining

The movie is nice because it showed that Spiderman is not perfect. He also has flaws. He lets anger and fame get the better of him. He becomes cocky and impulsive.

This installment—believed to be the last—also got the best villains. Sandman was extremely cool. The young green goblin seemed stronger than his father. And the venom, was, well, scary especially his fangs. Hahaha. I suck at this. But I just did not get how the venom was destroyed. I was expecting that Peter Paker’s prof would have found they key to annihilate venom because he had the chance to study it. I was wrong. It only took one of Green Goblin’s weapons and a bunch of metal bars to defeat venom. Corny.

I also hated the breakup scene between MJ and Peter. It was soooooo cheesy. And for the first time in the movie, I sensed that they were just acting.

Today, I also got to watch the movie Blood Diamond. It was a gripping drama about the Civil War brought about by greed of diamonds in Sierra Leone. It starred Leonardo de Caprio as diamond smuggler Danny Archer, Djimoun Hounsou as fisherman Solomon Vandee, and Jennifer Connely as journalist Maddy Bowen.

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Blood Diamond: Gripping

The movie was amazing. Di Caprio was at his best. Forest Whitaker was probable really awesome in the Last King of Scotland to have beaten Di Caprio in the Best Actor race in most of the award-giving bodies last year. Hounsou was superb. I totally felt his pain in his search for his son who was converted to become a child soldier. And the child soldiers delivered the chills. It was riveting to see these kids carry guns and kill their own countrymen for no reason at all.

The movie tells the audience in the end that Sierra Leone is now in peace, but there are still thousands of child soldiers in Africa.

Woohoo, napalayas na rin si Wendy sa Big Brother. Imbiyerna talaga ‘yung babaeng ‘yun. Masyadong inggitera. Hahaha. Buti nga napalayas na siya. Si Bruce din epal. Grabe umemote. Hahaha!! Yuck!!

Smile naman d’yan. God bless us all!!


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