Monday, May 07, 2007

celeb chever

Britney Spears has recently held a series of “comeback” concerts in several House of Blues in California. Spears got entangled with numerous scandals starting from her separation with wannabe-rapper husband Kevin Federline to shaving her hair, and entering a rehab for about a month.

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Britney Spears: Staging a comeback?

I am a Britney fan, I wouldn’t deny it. I could still remember how I argued with my cousins, who were mostly Christina Aguilera fans, that my idol was the better one. Britney was more popular. She sold more records. She was the pop princess, set to take the crown from Queen Madonna. And then she hit rock bottom.

I was disappointed by her past actions. But the news of her “comeback” excited me, and a multitude of other Britney fans. And although, most of the people who got to see her less-than-20-minute show, were ecstatic, critics panned the show. They said that Britney Spears, in usual fashion, lip-synched her way throughout the whole show. She also did not really interact with her fans, saying only, “Thank you for coming.” And although I believe that Britney’s concerts could have sucked, I say, give her a break. She just came out from rehab. Do you really expect her to be in her top shape after going through all the things she experienced Come on!

Several nights back, I got to watch some of Britney’s videos, including some of her VMA performances, in youtube. Doing that endeared me back to the girl. She might still be rough around the edges, but I know she could pull it off in the near future. If Mariah could do it, why could not she?

I have a new celebrity crush. Woohoo. He is a Scottish singer. I got to know him because his song, Last Request, got significant airtime from RX, my favorite radio station. I did not really give a damn to find more about him. I was already contented with listening to his song which was incredibly amazing. Things changed when I saw his video. The guy was cute. Oh yeah, his name’s Paolo Nutini.

Click here to watch him perform his song Last Request live. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

P.S. After a week of desk job in the Philippine Star, I’ll finally be covering my first PBL game tomorrow. I am not complaining with desk job given to me by Star’s Sports editor. I did plenty of journalism-related things in my desk job week unlike in the previous company I worked for.

Smile naman d’yan. God bless us all!!


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