Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Enough. Things have been really going bad for the country these days. More and more are becoming victims of the disillusioning condition of the nation. Last night, er, this very early morning as I laid awake, thoughts ran my mind. What if, for one day, I were given a chance to play someone Bruce Almighty-esque, what will I do?

If God will give me His powers for one day, I will:

1. Control the climate/ temperature/ weather here in the Philippines. I will not make it this hot. No skins shall burn. No armpits will produce buckets of sweat. This change shall remain constant. In this way, more people will find it more conducive to study or to work.

2. Crucify corrupt officials. Or feed them to the lions. Have you seen the lions at Manila zoo? Aren’t they the thinnest? Have you seen politicos lately? Aren’t they getting fatter and fatter each time they appear on TV? Let the lions at Manila zoo gnash with their teeth the corrupt officials in our country. Let the good ones stay. After this has been executed, go look at the lions. Aren’t they the fattest? Oh but lions know how to puke too! Haha!

3. Make the terrorists change their cruel ways. Make them plant trees and flowers. Make them learn how to cultivate and harvest these. Flash in their minds the faces of people they killed. Make them ponder what they will feel if the people they killed were their children or their wives, or their parents. In this way, they will feel guilty and will not return to their wicked ways and terrorist misadventures. Or am I just being too positive? Maybe they will kill themselves after I have flashed to their minds the damage they have caused.

4. Find an effective cure to AIDS (and other incurable diseases). Deliver the medicine to countries greatly affected by the syndrome especially the ones in Africa. I just hope that Africa will not have population problems because it is already the 2nd biggest continent, next to Asia, in terms of population. Let medicine be not only accessible to the rich.

5. Eliminate all non-talents in Showbiz and celebrity-dom. Make those superficial rich society people donate half of their belongings to the poor.

6. Produce more jobs and quality education in third-world countries like the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Botswana and many others.

7. Make family ties closer but not to the point of children growing forever dependent of their parents.

8. Control Oil price-hike. These oil companies are getting to everyone’s nerves including mine. They are definitely abusing their power. If they do not conduct an 80% roll-back and continue on with their irritating increases, let them drink their oil products to death!! Let the government officials who do nothing to confront this problem join the drink fest.

9. Make all products and services priced reasonably and affordably. Let the poor people experience buying D&G products every time they want to. Let them purchase kilos of blue marlin each time their stomachs crave for the yummy fish.

10. Clean the environment. Turn illegal-loggers to trees and make those drivers and factory owners breathe the smoke they produce straight from where the smokes come from.

11. Let words have uniform meanings all over the world. In this way, understanding each other will be easier. Let context be contextualized.

12. Make all my dreams come true. Haha!! I am hedonistic!! Haha!

But then again, I find it impossible for me to have God’s powers. But I can start with myself so are the people reading this. The realization of these may be wishful thinking but then again dreams are for free.

That’s all folks!! Thanx for being one with the fabulous epal!! God bless us all!!


Blogger eePyaJ said...

Bruce allmighty was a great movie. I enjoyed it a lot =P

Haha.. ivan. your aulturistic side is showing! ^_^ I agree with what you said. If we all pitch in, who knows? We might change the world. haha.. ^_^ Enjoy!!

1:52 AM  

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